Sunday, January 27, 2008

No Shame - I Say...Start 'Em Early

I have no shame. Mads is only 2 1/2 years old and I am already trying to get her to "become a Jayhawk". Saturday night was date night for Mads and I. Aimee was heading out to dinner with one of her girlfriends from high school - so I decided to take Mads to Lawrence so I could get her a pink Jayhawk shirt and then we would have dinner at Allen Field House - since the Lady Jayhawks were playing that night. Hot dogs, popcorn, and soda were on the menu.
For some reason I thought the game started at 6pm. It didn't. Found out later it was 7pm. Gates didn't open until 5:30. We showed up at 5:15. That guy that Maddie is staring at - James Naismith - his bronze statue is located outside of Allen Field House. (Don't know who James Naismith is? - Check it out... Anyhow - we had to wait outside for 15 minutes...I ate up 10 of those minutes listening to Mads trying to convince Naismith to come down from his perpetual pose.

From there we finally made it inside - 90 minutes early. Mads had a blast. We sat in the corner of Allen Field House, listened to the band, and watched the women warm up. Maddie had a blast...and right goes down as one of our best date nights.

I have no shame. I want her to become a Jayhawk. Might as well get her into it early.

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